Keeping Peace With Your Ex During the Holidays

Under normal circumstances, the holidays can increase our emotional stressors and tension levels for many reasons. Just the simple factor of the extra hustle and bustle can be enough to rob us of the “merry” moments.

But when you add on the layer of divorce – it’s understandable why emotions run high during the holiday season. Here are a few tips that can help keep your holidays calm and bright:

  • Work collaboratively, not competitively – this is healing to families
  • Determine what your “must” haves are in the holiday schedule
  • Figure out where you can bend – Are you okay with not having your children the entire day on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
  • Refrain from speaking poorly about your ex – it’s so hard on your children, and it will keep you from moving forward in the long term
  • Respect each other’s time visiting with your children – stick to the agreed upon schedule and co-parenting plan
  • Many children long to do something together with both parents at the same time – if you can – do it, as it can be grounding for your children

If you can work with your ex and not against each other, your holidays will be less stressful and more memorable. And remember, it’s not the Facebook grand gesture memories they will remember, it’s the small quiet connective moments that will last forever.

When you utilize the experts in the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association by using the collaborative divorce process, you can let down your anxiety and stress because you will know that when your divorce is finalized, each party involved, including your children, will be ready to face the future with confidence.

if you would like to learn more about how our members at the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association can help you and your family have a peaceful holiday this year, call us today!

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental health or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.